Conan If you have ever been a fan of late night shows than the name Conan O'Brien is of no mystery to you. Conan has been making us laugh ourselves to sleep for over 17 years now. Conan got his start as a writer for comedy shows and has succeeded all the way to his current show "Conan" on TBS. This site is a tribute to him and all of his accomplishments. You can also find all the latest news and upcoming events for "CoCo" as well as links to other popluar Conan O'Brien sites.
Television talk show host, writer. Born Conan Christopher O'Brien, on April 18, 1963, in Brookline, Massachusetts, the third of six children. His father, Dr. Thomas O'Brien, is a noted epidemiologist, the head of microbiology at Peter Brigham Hospital and a professor at Harvard Medical School...